If you havn’t seen ‘Breaking Fashion’ on BBC Iplayer already & you run a fashion business or thinkng of starting a fashion business then you need to now . Its a series of programmes exploring one of britain’s biggest growing online fast fashion brand In the style .

The online brand was the first brand to explore collaborations with celebrities to sell their clothing . Although widely used across social media now , this was something unique at the time. What else makes this brand so different is that it was founded by a now  30 something man who left school with no qualifications , no bakground in fashion or rich parents to help support build his dream business. This man is called Adam Frisby & he works along side his life partner Jamie in  the documentary .

What’smore i got the opportunity to work at In the Style as their senior fashion designer.

The company was still fairly new when i joined and they only just started designing their own collections at this point , having bought from wholesalers previously. I got to work along side and design for charlotte Crosby collection(gordie shore)  & Billy Faiers(only way is essex /mummy diaries)

You can view this series now on bbc iplayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07mbvqm

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